The more you know about how the entertainment industry works and where it’s headed, the more likely you are to identify and capitalize on new opportunities.

That’s why it’s important to read industry trades like Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and Deadline, but there’s a whole world of other niche publications out there that can be every bit as valuable (and maybe more) than the trades.

Following are descriptions of three publications I’ve found to be useful and fascinating — I recommend you check them out.

1. The Pudding

Recently, I discovered the most fascinating website. I’m always looking to learn new information, but reading the same black and white typeface can get exhausting. Not so on “The Pudding.”

A weekly journal of interactive/visual essays, The Pudding is like a database of interesting, digestible thesis projects… they’re incredibly informative, but not in a way that makes your eyes glaze over. I truly believe this website is revolutionizing the way we read the news and absorb data.

The Pudding’s mission describes what makes this site so cool: “[each project is] an interactive experience that seeks to advance public discourse in a way that a traditional 20,000-word essay never could.” The whole website is inspiring, interesting, and just fun. As a visual learner and active reader, The Pudding has definitely changed the way I want to consume content.

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Hollywood’s Gender Divide and its Effect on Films

The Geographic Divide of Oscar Films

2. Stratechery

What The Pudding does for politics and the news, Stratechery does for the business of technology and media. It goes beyond the digestible, bite-sized interactive projects of The Pudding to take deep analytical dives into subjects that are important to the business-minded. The New York Times has called it “one of the most interesting sources of analysis on any subject” for good reason. I’m not a numbers guy exactly and I still glean so many insights from this fascinating website. Most importantly: The Internet is changing how we do and understand everything.

Incredibly, Stratechery is written by one guy, Ben Thompson, who has worked in strategy and marketing for Apple, Microsoft, and Automatic. Between his nuanced, experienced eye and engaging writing style, he makes Stratechery as close to a fount for learning everything about how this world works as there is on the web.

Recommended Articles:

The Great Unbundling

Netflix and the Conservation of Attractive Profits

3. Trapital

Where Stratechery is technology and media, Trapital takes on the business of hip-hop and culture. One of LinkedIn’s Must Read Series, Trapital is absolutely loaded with keen analysis on the status of hip-hop around the world, commentary on the music business, fascinating history, and consideration of culture at large. It’s something between a blog and a long-form journalism site, offering articles and ideas that can quickly pull in even the most casual of hip-hop listeners. Really, you don’t even have to be all that into hip-hop. With coverage on things like the Vegas residency boom, the Super Bowl half-time fiasco, and music history, Trapital is chock full of insights and stories that captivate all audiences.


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