Success Is Measured By What You Do For Others
The end of the year comes with certain rituals. Recounting the ups and downs of the previous year, thinking about how to improve in the next one. For me, it also includes looking over my blogs for the past year. While I scanned through the year’s blogs, I had something else on my mind: An exchange I’ve been having with an up-and-coming actor named Zachary Poole.
Hollywood vs Hollywouldn’t: 12 Tips to Help Actors Navigate the Hollywood Landscape
I love actors. Compared to most people, actors are often more personable – they feel more free to access their feelings and emotions. They tend to be more in touch with their inner child.
Being a Talent Manager is Like Being a…
A manager acts as a catalyst to a client’s, or player’s, success, seeking to positively shape and influence the career trajectory of their talent in the same way a coach would their player’s athletic performance. They’re the X’s and O’s, focusing on how to get the most out of the “team” of clients they’re managing.