The Most Important Conversation You Can Have Is With Yourself

I think a lot about why. Specifically, why we do what we do: it’s something that I ask any potential client, and it’s something I ask myself.

Why have I worked as a talent manager for 25 years? Because I have a passion for making people feel something they’ve never felt before, and representing great talent is the best way for me to achieve that.

But why do I write these blogs? A lot of people have figured that I write these to give advice (after all, many posts are tagged as “Advice”). But I’ve never seen it that way. That implies that I’m somehow delivering these messages from on high and letting them fall to the masses beneath me.

Sometimes I wish that’s how it felt. But the truth is, I don’t see myself as an expert. I don’t see these posts as giving advice. I see it as starting a conversation.

I don’t preach, I share

When writing for this blog, I revisit the mistakes I’ve made in my past so that others may learn from them. I tell my story as an example of what works, and what doesn’t. And, if need be, I take a hard look at myself now and evaluate what I need to work on. 

I’ve been fortunate in the past few months to have a lot of professional success. My clients are all making great strides in the industry, and the More/Medavoy company has never been stronger. But that doesn’t mean things are perfect, and with success in one area comes shortcomings in another. 

Actors are forced to obsess over their physical appearance, but looks aren’t brought up as much in other areas of the industry. But the fact of the matter is, I’ve gained a fair amount of weight over the past few years, and I’m just not in the shape I used to be. It’s tough some days, knowing I don’t look the way that I want to.

It’s really tough. 

It’s important to have the self-awareness to face up to the hard truths about yourself, the ones that cause a lot of hurt and shame to admit. But here’s the thing about self-awareness: it does no good unless you do something about it. And sharing is a great thing to do.

We’ve got a really talented intern at More/Medavoy now, one who’s been incredibly helpful on these very blogs. And, like me, he struggles with his weight. We’ve had great talks about the insecurities that come with that, and just in sharing I think we’ve helped each feel a little less burdened. Because when you share your story with someone, when you help someone else, I truly believe you help yourself.

I’ll go one step further than that: you save yourself. I’ve gone through periods of professional success, and I’ve had personal deficiencies come with it. I’ve lost control of a lot more than my weight, and I’ve ended up sabotaging just about everything in my life. I know that I run the risk of repeating that pattern if I don’t acknowledge what could be better. And if I don’t share my story.

So, why do I write these blogs? Because I want to share part of me. I want to start a conversation that can help others avoid the mistakes that I’ve made. I want to help people – for their sake, and for my own.

That’s why.


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