The Cream: 10 Things that Moved Me this Month
Advice Brian Medavoy Advice Brian Medavoy

The Cream: 10 Things that Moved Me this Month

When something moves me, I do something about it. Every month, I put together a list of everything that has inspired me to share with my friends and clients. This month, I wanted to share that list with you. I hope you can find some inspiration and joy from it.

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Advice Brian Medavoy Advice Brian Medavoy


Ask most people what the first step an actor does to book a role and they’ll probably tell you “get an audition.” We’ve all seen those moments play out in film and TV, where the ingénue is standing on the empty stage, giving it everything she’s got. And we’ve seen the light fill the director’s eyes as he realizes he’s found his star.

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How Career-Making Moments Happen
Advice Brian Medavoy Advice Brian Medavoy

How Career-Making Moments Happen

I talk to a lot of actors who think that succeeding in Hollywood is still a matter of someone spotting you on the street, dramatically pointing, and saying “That’s the one!”

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The 90th Academy Awards: What This Year’s Oscars Says About Where We Are And Where We’re Headed
Advice, Hollywood, Inspiration Brian Medavoy Advice, Hollywood, Inspiration Brian Medavoy

The 90th Academy Awards: What This Year’s Oscars Says About Where We Are And Where We’re Headed

I live and work in an industry built around inspiration. Every artistic work worth its salt started with someone being moved to the point that they had to create something from it. So it goes, when something truly moves me, I feel the need to write about it. And there’s no better time to be moved by the strides made in our industry than during the Academy Awards.

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