The Meaning of Talent in Seymour: An Introduction
Advice Brian Medavoy Advice Brian Medavoy

The Meaning of Talent in Seymour: An Introduction

My life has been motivated and consumed by talent; pursuing it in myself, seeking to emphasize it in others, understanding its power and importance within each individual. I’m a talent manager because I feel deeply that talent in all of its forms has a tremendous power to improve the world, to move each of us to positive action.

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Your Career Is Like Betting on Horses
Advice Brian Medavoy Advice Brian Medavoy

Your Career Is Like Betting on Horses

If you stop and think about your career as a series of horse races, a few things are going to happen. You’re more likely to get where you want to go. You’re more likely to build good relationships. And you’re more likely to have fun while you do it.

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